The term project, to be done as individuals, can related to an image processing concept of their choice. The range of
project topics is very broad, ranging from a survey of existing image processing techniques in a particular area of research, a comparative analysis of state-of-the-art image processing
algorithms to new image processing algorithms that you develop yourself. As part of the project requirements, each individual needs to submit a term project report. Each individual is also required to present your work to the class in a 5 minute presentation. All materials, publications, and external resources used must be fully cited using IEEE reference style format. Some project ideas include:
- Image inpainting
- Image denoising
- Image, texture, and video compression
- Image super-resolution
- Image registration
- Content-based image retrieval
- Image deblurring
- Image watermarking
- Edge detection
- Image morphing
- Texture representation
- Image warping and deformation
- Medical image reconstruction (e.g., MR reconstruction, CT reconstruction)
- Applications of image processing (e.g., biomedical, astronomical, surveillance, etc.)
- Color object detection and tracking